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User cobwebjoin67

Member for: 2 years (since Jan 20, 2022)
Type: Registered user
About: Massage therapy (especially myotherapy) is the process of manipulating or kneading patient's soft-tissue sutures and muscles to improve their health or wellbeing. It is a well-known method of manual therapy, which includes holding, moving, and gently applying pressure on the soft tissues, ligaments, tendons and muscles. While it may seem relatively straightforward, it can actually be quite complicated, especially when you consider the effects that a kneaded muscles is able to have on the skin. Myotherapy can cause swelling, pain, redness and swelling as well as an inflammatory reaction from the body. Prior to undergoing myotherapy, it's essential to be aware of any side effects. This article will give an overview of the possible side effects of myotherapy.
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