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book publishing

Are you a writer who has just finished writing a book?  If you are a first time author, you may be unsure as to how you should proceed, in terms of getting your book published.  If that is the case, you will want to continue reading on, as a number of steps that you will want to take are highlighted below.

One of the first things that you will need to do is familiarize yourself with publishers.  In addition to knowing where to send your book manuscript and who it should be addressed to, you will want to learn as much about the publisher in question as possible.  What type of themes are they looking for?  Will your book be a good fit?  Are there are rules or restrictions in terms of formatting that you need to abide by?  Does the publisher in question only accept agented submissions?  These are all important questions that you need to have answers to.

As for how you can go about finding book publishers, you will be pleased with all of your options.  You can look at the books that you own, the books in your local library, or the books in your local bookstores.  Make note the publishers and perform a standard internet search with their names.  Next, look for a section for writer’s guidelines.  You can also perform a generalized standard internet search, such as with the phrase “book publishers.”  There are also a number of printed resources, like the popular Writer’s Market books, that you can use as well.

As previously stated, you will want to learn what rules and restrictions publishing companies may have.  If you can’t find this information online or in print, be sure to use your best judgment.  Make sure that your book manuscript and all other documents are easy to read, formatted properly, and clean.  Also, be sure to include a cover letter and a book proposal.  Many authors choose to merge these two documents together.  You can, but, be careful.  Cover letters and book proposals should be right to the point and not clouded with too much information.

You should also consider using the services of professional literary agent and editor.  They can be costly, but they are typically more than worth the costs.  No matter how good you are at proofreading, you will likely miss some errors.  A second set of professional eyes are advised.  As for literary agents, they too have a number of benefits.  If the publishers that fit your book the best only accept agented submissions, it may be in your best interest to hire a professional literary agent.  They can help get your book into doors that you couldn’t.

As for follow-ups, they are okay, but also be sure to use your best judgment.  Most publishers outline on their websites how long it should take for you to receive a response, like in two to four months.  If you do not receive a response by that time, consider placing a phone call or sending a letter to the publisher in question.  For your own protection though, do not make contact before the estimated response time.

By taking the above mentioned points into consideration, you may be able to see your book in print soon.  As a reminder however, do not be scared of rejection letters.  They are common, but that does not mean that you should give up.

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