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The knowledge of film making is not enough to create a good movie producer. This quality might be good if you are a studio executive, or in any other job out of film making production. To be a good producer you need to develop certain skills, for you to become an independent film maker.

The first and most important skill is organization. You may already have this skill, and frankly it is not an easy skill to teach or learn, but you can learn to become more organized. If you have trouble remembering where you put your wallet or the last time you had the oil changed in the car, you will need some help in this area. Buy a book on how to get organized or take a class in organization. Do what you think best, but get organized.

The second skill is the ability to make quick decisions. No matter how well your plans have been laid, there are a lot of gray areas and changes that can come up during filming. You will run into decisions that need to be made right now. You can develop this skill by realizing from the start that you are in charge, and you will be making all of the decisions, any mistakes that are made, you will be making. If the decisions are wrong you will know it soon enough. As the film maker you must act decisively, accepting blame when necessary, the members of your cast and crew will go along with what you say.

The third skill is the ability to be a good negotiator. You will find that you will be making decisions about everything on the set. Everything will usually need to be negotiated. When rates are negotiated, know the top price you can pay for any one item according to your budget. Try to lower that by 20 or 30 percent by negotiation, you really need to keep yourself in the know. One thing to remember, if you don't negotiate the right price you can decline the item and look elsewhere for it.

The fourth skill is one of diplomacy. Film makers need to keep a close reign on gossip and rumors. You may have to step in the middle of feuds and conflicts. The trick is to remedy the situation without taking sides. You need to practice diplomacy every working day.

To be a great film maker, you will need to have plenty of energy. Caffeine may help you wake up in the morning, but you will need real energy if you are going to make it through the duration of the film. You need to eat well and make sure you take vitamins to keep yourself from breaking down with the long working days.

When you have mastered these five basics of a film making producer, you will be able to use your knowledge of the film making process and produce a great independent film.

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