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The key to getting the most benefit from your health
insurance policy is knowing your policy coverage.

Many people don’t actually read the policy for the
policy plan book; they may not be aware that the
policy may pay 100% of certain procedures, like annual
physicals, mammograms, flu shots or certain labs

The policy plan book will outline for you what
procedures are not subject to the deductible or co-pay
(your out-of-pocket expense).

Some insurance companies have shifted their emphasis
from health insurance to health improvement and
maintenance and will pay for the cost of gym
membership, nutritional counseling or plans to stop

If you were trying to lose weight and knew that you
could get these services at no cost, wouldn’t you take
advantage of them?

If you wanted to quit smoking, wouldn’t it be
beneficial to know that you could get the patch for

It is very wise to know what services are available to
you through your insurance company, and you will only
know if you take the time to read through your policy.

Health insurance is an expensive item; take advantage
of every aspect of it that you can, not only for
yourself but for the members of your family.

By taking full advantage of the free benefits of your
health insurance policy, you will be healthier and
possibly require fewer visits to your doctor.

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