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Dental insurance is often an afterthought when obtaining health insurance for a number of reasons. Some people may simply dislike the dentist and use the lack of dental insurance as a reason to not visit the dentist; others may feel that dental insurance is not worth the added cost to their monthly health insurance premium. Still others may simply feel that their teeth are in good shape and there is little need to spend the extra money to cover a part of their body that does not currently have any problems. Nevertheless, dental insurance is important because of several benefits.

When people think of the cost of dental work or procedures, they often think of costly bills. Even simple procedures like getting your wisdom teeth removed can average in the hundreds of dollars per tooth! However, one obvious benefit to dental insurance is the coverage of simple but costly dental procedures such as getting a tooth removed. In the end, the slight increase in a monthly premium may be worth it to avoid a high dental bill. Moreover, dental insurance also helps financially if a dental emergency develops. Perhaps you are in need of a root canal or dental implants - both extremely costly procedures that you often do not anticipate. Dental insurance will most likely cover a portion, if not all of these expensive procedures.

Also, while many feel that brushing and flossing daily is all the dental care they need this is simply not true - even for young, healthy adults. Dental disease is common and can affect your body in a number of ways. For instance, some dental diseases left untreated can lead to more serious medical issues such as kidney infections or even diabetes. Most people do now know of the connection between dental diseases and other illnesses. Thus, having dental insurance that covers routine visits to the dentist, which can help uncover dental diseases early, is extremely important. Dental insurance is designed to encourage preventative care, because spotting dental diseases or dental problems early reduces the overall cost of treatment.

Dental insurance may seem like just another gimmick to get a few more dollars out of you, but it is essential for your health. Your regular health insurance plan, whether it is through your employer as a group plan or an individual plan, should offer you the option of buying dental insurance coverage, and you should consider this piece of the plan thoroughly when purchasing health insurance.

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