As nearly every web host provides the option to purchase reseller accounts, the Internet has seen a significant increase in 3rd party hosting companies looking to develop a stable recurring income. With a market filled with competition you have probably asked yourself, "Should I become a reseller?"
Points to think about before deciding
Before taking the plunge and signing up for a reseller account maybe you should ponder these points:
Do I have the time to market my services? - To stand out among the many webhosts you will be required to market your services. Be prepared to spend time every day marketing your new hosting company or learning of various techniques to market your services.
Am I prepared to offer support to my clients? - To effectively support your clients when they have a question about web hosting or if something is not working you should either have experience with web hosting or the company that is providing reseller services should provide this support. For instance 561Hosting provides free support to resellers thus eliminating the need to be an expert to provide services to your customers.
Am I in this for the long haul? - As you advertise your services and become more visible to the Internet community you will no doubt start to land customers. Be sure that you are committed to providing these services indefinitely because your customers have put their trust in you and are counting on you to be around.
Is it worth it?
Selling hosting services can be a very rewarding business that you can run from the comfort of your home. Please be patient and market your services everyday and before long you will have several clients and may consider upgrading to a dedicated server account. But that's another article...