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Writing and marketing your own ebook is an excellent way to help build your online and/or home business.  

Being able to offer your own informative, quality ebook will establish you as someone who knows what they are talking about.  This will earn you trust and respect and go a long way towards building your online presence.

People will start coming to you and your site when they need products, advice, support, help, etc. thus bringing you many more customers and /or subscribers.

There are many ways to market your ebook.  Some of the best ways are listed below:

Put your ebook in your sigtag along with a free bonus.  The free bonus will attract more people and bring in more sales.

Joint Ventures: Team up with other ebook authors or ezine publishers or webmasters to cross promote each other's products or services.  Agree to send referrals to each other and recommend each other's products.

Use an excerpt from your ebook as an article and submit it to as many directories as possible.  Be sure to mention your ebook in your resource box.

Search out quality targeted ezines and purchase solo or top sponsor ad spots.

Submit your ebook to as many ebook directories as you can.  The more links to your ebook, the better.

Write a keyword rich sales page and optimize it for the search engines with meta tags and page title.

Offer two or three free bonuses with your ebook.  make and offer that is very hard or impossible to refuse.

Ask a few people to write reviews for your ebook in exchange for a free copy.  Post the reviews on your site.

Offer a free report as a lead-in to your ebook.  People love free information and if you offer a quality report that gets them interested they very well may want to buy your ebook.

If you publish an ezine, ask other ezine publishers to swap solo or top sponsor ads.  I prefer top sponsor ads but many marketers have said that solo ads get the most results.

Start an affiliate program and offer people a percentage to sell your ebook.  One of the best places to do this is Clickbank.  For a small fee you can set up your affiliate program and increase your sales many times over.

Offer the first chapter or two as a freebie.  Be sure and leave them wanting more.

Visit message boards or join discussion groups to learn marketing strategies that have worked for other publishers and authors.  If it works for them, it can work for you as well.

As with any marketing campaign, you have to stick with it.  Be consistent.  You cannot submit to a couple of directories and post to a couple message boards and then sit back and wait to get rich.  Marketing is a daily commitment.  

The possibilities are endless as to ways to market your ebook.  Be sure and combine many of the strategies for one successful marketing campaign. Be creative and come up with new innovative marketing ideas.  Find out what works and get started marketing that new ebook!

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