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ebay is a site that facilitates bringing buyers and sellers together in a secure and safe environment, in order to buy and sell a variety of goods and services, either through action or in a fixed price format.

The preferred payment system used there is Paypal. Paypal is an extremely user friendly and highly secure service for transferring money over the internet.

Here’s what we do:

1.    List the ebook under several different categories, choose categories that have a specific connection to the topic and some that are more loosely connected. For example an ebook about Internet Marketing could be listed under the category of; books/internet information products/marketing; this would be a direct connection. A loosely connected category might be something like; Everything Else/Education & Learning/Adult & Career Education/Personal Development/Personal Finances. An easy way to find suitable categories is to use the search categories option as you are listing; it gives you recommendations that you can choose from.

2.    We also need to play around with the Heading, using different headings for all of our listings, we should try to include the words and phrases that people will use when searching most often, and include them in the heading.

3.    List the ebook as a 10 day auction and offer a ‘buy now’ option as well. Be sure to set the ‘buy now’ price at level that covers our fees if we wish to make this a free advertising campaign.

4.    We need to create a html formatted sales letter. Do this by creating a page in html composer such as Mozilla or coffee cup, or any other composer. Outline all the details about the book and what’s in it etc. then at the end of the description add an Auto responder! That the customers can use to ask for more information about the product. We must ensure that the redirect page brings the customer back to ebay. This is vital because ebay has very strict policies regarding links that take people away from their site.

5.    Now we can play around with the sales letter to make it more enticing for people to enter their details, some of the things we could use are; for a free report, to receive other offers and updates, for more information and the free edition,etc. we just need to become creative here.

6.    If our ebook sells without getting any prospects, that’s great we have covered our costs and distributed our links. (see part one of this series) We can go ahead and re-list it, then start all over again!

That’s all there is to it! It doesn’t take long to set up and once in place, we can easily tweak the listings and continue this strategy.
It’s not limited only to ebay it’s also possible to use any of the other auction sites available online today.

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