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When you plan an event, you want to make sure that everyone is going to attend it. You do not want to do all that work for nothing.  It is important that you have your event planned out well and this will include everything right down to the invitations. You want to have your guests learn about the event in plenty of time so that they can attend it.  

1. The first way to get your attendees to your event is to make the invitations look great. You want your invitations to be exciting and bring some expectation to what they can have when they come to your event. You want them to get excited about coming.  

2. Another way to get your guests to come is to advertise the event. You want to make sure that you are putting up the appropriate signs and getting the date and time out there for people to see. You want people to feel like they are welcome to come and enjoy the fun and excitement of your special event and this is one way to do just that.

3. You may also want to send email invitations to people about your special event. This is good way to make sure that people hear about your planned event and let them know fast. You can reach a lot of people by email and in a matter of a few minutes. This is a great way to make sure that everyone hears about your party and you will get the word out there fast.

4. Talk up the event. This means that you want to tell people what a great time this event is going to be and what they can expect. You want people to wander about the great party and want to come along for the fun. This is something that will entice their interest and get them wanting to come along. You will find that by talking up the great party, you will have more people show up.

5. Tell your friends to tell their friends about the great event.  Make sure that you are telling everyone to share the word and to let others know what a great time this is going to be.  Tell them to hit upon some of the wonderful things that they will be able to expect at the grand event. This will really get them wanting to show and if they are not invited, they may ask to be.

6. Advertise your event. You can put ad in the newspaper and on the television if the funds are there for you to do so. You can do this and you will be surprised at how many people you will be able to reach with your event. You will see that you are getting the news out there and getting the word across so that you can get more people aware of the fun that you are planning.

7. Put flyers in papers that are seen in your church, local organizations and many other places. You will be able to make up an interesting flyer that will catch the eyes of many onlookers and they will want to come to your event.

8. You may even want to have your special event written in the sky if you want. You can hire a sky writer to do the work for you.  This is a great idea and one that will get your word across.  You may also want to have your great even written on pieces of paper and floated away on with a balloon into the sky. This is a great idea and one this is cheap and very cool at the same time.

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