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When it comes to marketing your event you have so much to think about. You have to think about who you want people to see the event and how the event is going to be marketed for the public. When it comes to marketing your event, it is usually for a social or benefit event. You will want as many people to attend as possible and that is why you need to look at your marketing strategy with a positive and respectful attitude.

The first factor of marketing an event successfully is to get the word out. You will want to think about hanging flyers, using mass media, or by the word of mouth. You can use all of the different ways or just a few. Most of the time, you will use the word of mouth, along with some flyers (not many) and using the radio airwaves. You can get most of the publicity for free if it is a non-profit organization event.

The second factor is the way that you market. You can market your event by using some emotional factors. You can have signs with children who have some type of disease if that's what the benefits for. If you do that you are using emotional triggers to make someone feel bad enough to at least donate, if not attend the diner. Depending on the type of event it is, you can use different emotions for different things.

The third factor to keep in mind is getting the right people involved. If you can get a local celebrity to help back the benefit or show up at the event, then you are more than likely to get a good turn out. You can get a local athlete from a major league team, a politician, a local news anchor, or anyone who has a huge influence on the community.

The fourth way to market your event is to use tactics to get a big crowd. If you can get a person with a lot of pull to come to an event, they will encourage others to come. This influence can be because they share the same political party, are friends, or business associates.

The fifth way to market your event is to make it look like an exciting party. Have a TV commercial to explain what it is and why you are having the event. You may want to show previous years of the event and how well they turned out.

You should also never forget the power of the newspaper. If you can get the newspaper to donate or write an article about the event, you have just gotten free publicity, which is the best publicity.

You should also think about where the even is being held. You will want to make it located in a part of the city that is easy to get to and that many of people will want to travel to. You should make these types of events a local event and make the whole community apart of the event. When you make the community apart of the event by asking for their help or attendance, you are promoting your event and the reason for it.

Lastly, you should always use respect in your ads. Never discriminate based on sex, race, or even education. If you want a good turn out, you should market it to the public and state the attire of the event, as well as other information so that the whole community and neighboring communities can join in the event activities.  

The way that you market your event will determine how many people show up for the event and how much you benefit from throwing the party.

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