1. What's the deal?
Customers want to know what they are getting into before they open up their wallet. One of the best ways to upset them is to give them unexpected fees at the last minute. Make the deal plain and simple... no unexpected and unpleasant surprises.
2. How do I benefit?
Let's face it... customer really don't give a hoot about who you are, your hard earned credentials or your company history. They want to know "what this product will do for me?" Spend your time wisely; emphasize the benefits the consumer will enjoy... and you've got a sale!
3. How soon?
Our economy has come to expect immediate gratification. The quicker your customer has the purchase in his hands, the happier he is. Invest in quicker service, for higher sales volume and increased customer satisfaction.
4. Can I return it?
Hey, there's always risk in a purchase. What if it's not what the box made it look like? The knowledge that it can be returned soothes the customers fear of making a poor investment. Money back guarantees go a long way toward banishing the last minute purchase jitters.
5. Should I trust you?
The best way to turn away a potential customer is to offer a "to good to be true" deal. No one trusts exaggerations or even claims that sound like exaggerations. Do you have a deal that really is too good to be true? Be careful how you word it. Remember that a customer who discovers his product is even better than promised is an extremely satisfied customer.
6. Am I making the right choice?
Emotions and logic work together to create the right balance for the buyer. Usually the purchase is based on emotion. It's later that the customer looks for the logic to justify the purchase. Be sure to include logic in your advertisments so the customer will feel that his purchase was justified.
7. How do I pay for it?
You probably remember standing in line at a place of business, while the customer 9 people ahead of you tried every method of payment under the sun. Everyone was shifting from foot to foot impatiently, and some even laid their products down and walked out empty handed.
Hey, it happens in the virtual world too. Consumers wait and wait for a page to download... they become frustrated and with one click of the mouse... you've lost a sale.
Make sure purchasing is an easy and painfree experience for your customers. If it's too complicated and lengthy, they'll just forget it... and you can kiss your profit goodbye.