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Everybody wants to be their own boss. For that to happen, you need to do some research and enough capital. The same rules apply for anyone who wants to start their own magazine Publishing.

The success of your magazine publication will depend greatly on the content. If you are doing something similar to what Cosmopolitan or Vogue is doing, chances are you won’t even make a dent in the market because you don’t  have anything new to offer.

In order to sell your magazine off the stands, you must feature something different. For instance instead of focusing on clothes, you can create a magazine that caters to parenting or cooking. This all boils down to doing some market research.

If you can’t do it, hire a market research firm to do it. Should their study prove that there is potential in going a certain direction, it is time for you now to develop a plan that will make  the magazine profitable.

The biggest question that a lot of people have a problem with is that what if you don’t have enough money to start it up? The best thing to do will be to invite investors by showing them your business plan which includes the start up capital needed and when can they expect to get a return of their investment.

The other option will be to start a magazine publication through the web. Unlike those that hit the stands, you don’t have to invest a lot of money since the cost of making a website and looking for a webhost will not cost you a fortune.

To know other things you may need to make this work, you can visit the website of the small business association which may provide you with a lot of useful input.

A few important things you have to work on will be the name of the magazine. The shorter the name the better so people will be able to remember it and the only way that can happen is if it is able to grab the people’s attention.

Magazines come out monthly or quarterly. To ensure the quality of your content, make sure you hire the right people to work as editors, writers and photographers. If you can’t afford yet to hire these people on a full time basis, make sure you can buy the rights from them and then be able to edit the materials yourself and pay them accordingly.

Don’t forget to promote your online magazine. You can do this by paying for pop up ads that will appear in various websites especially the search engines.

If your online magazine publication has captured a lot of hits and you are able to earn a sufficient amount of money from advertising, perhaps this is the time that you shift your attention towards coming up with your very first magazine to hit the news stands.

Starting a magazine Publishing is not easy in the beginning since you are entering an industry that has already been around for a very long time. Again, if someone else has already made a magazine that is similar to what you plan, try to see what they lack and then use it to your advantage. This hasn’t stopped others from launching their own which just goes to show there is room for everyone in this business.

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