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Every year, different colleges and universities from all over the world produce graduates with different college degrees. It only means that every year, the unemployment rate increases and very few newly-grads land a job. It is very important to choose the college degree that you’re going to take to ensure your professional career in the future.

Among the top college courses of degree is accounting. Accounting involves different tasks which include keeping track of income, assets, liabilities, and a lot more. You can learn more about these tasks if you choose an accountancy course.

In accounting, you will learn a lot of things like how businesses and companies work. Successful businessmen are accountants one way or another. You see, accounting is essential in businesses. It is a way of evaluating the business situation, whether a company is losing or earning profits.

In short, the business’ language is accounting. All business activities are quantified through accounting and this is where all business reports are derived and later on, communicated to the management level. What career opportunities can you expect if you’re a graduate of accountancy?

1. Public Practice – if you become a CPA, you can do public practice. You can give your services to clients in exchange for an affordable fee. Usually, CPAs work in partnerships and they offer their services to businesses, governments, and even to individuals. The job responsibilities of an accountant in public practice will usually include auditing, taxation, management advisory services, etc. You can gain a lot of work experience in this field.

2. Education – accountancy graduates can also teach after they get their methods of teaching. They can become a researcher, reviewer, and a professor. If you choose this profession, you can learn a lot of things. You can clear out certain accounting issues, conduct research, and then distribute the results.

3. Government service – you can look for job opportunities in the state or federal level. Government accountants are responsible for tracking costs, budgets, and analyzing the various government programs that involves huge amounts. Being a government accountant can give you the chance of improving the conditions of the poor however, due to political influence, your will experience bureaucratic impediment.

If you want to become a government accountant, you have to think twice because the public usually think differently of those in position. But it doesn’t really matter what other people think as long as you’re doing your work honestly and effectively.

4. Commerce – accounting groups are maintained by corporations, whether big or small. The groups of accountants prepare and organize all the financial statements, handle tax issues, track costs, handle international transactions, and a lot more.

After years of being a member of the accounting group, you will have your chance of becoming the department head or you can be promoted as the cost accountant, budget officer, chief accountant, or even the company auditor. The size of the corporation determines the various responsibilities of the accountant.

Now you know that by taking up a course in accounting you will be offered a myriad of opportunities in the future. You must be able to choose the right career path. Before making a decision, you have to consider the responsibilities and nature of work of a certain accounting career.

Choose the one that you like most and one that you’re passionate about.

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