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Accounting or accountancy is one of the most promising types of profession today. It is always in demand and the career opportunities here are huge. If you are considering a profession as an accountant, then you will definitely see that this will change your professional life.

First of all, you have to know how you can start in the accounting field. Here are some tips that will be able to point you the right way to success.

The first thing that you have to do is decide on the field of accounting that you are interested in. There are basically lots of different fields in the accounting career and you will surely find the right one.

It is also a good idea to research about information related to accounting or accountancy, such as the college or university you are going to take the course in. You have to consider that companies are quite picky when it comes to the college or university that accountants graduated in. Also, by doing this, you will be able to know which college or university offers quality education particularly on accountancy.

Try consulting accounting professionals and teachers who are knowledgeable about the subject. They will be able to give you a lot of information coming from their experience.

If you plan on pursuing a career in accounting, then you have to enroll in a bachelor's degree in accounting. Even if you are good in accounting, you can never have a good job if you don't have at least a bachelor's degree.

After graduating, don't set your ambitions too high. Always remember that everyone starts small and work their way up to their goals. Start off as a junior accountant or as a trainee. This will not only give you a chance in the accounting career, but it will also provide you with valuable experience as well as knowledge about accounting.

Always remember that accountancy is a continuing education. As much as possible, you have to update your knowledge about accounting in order to keep up with the standards of the industry.

As mentioned before, there are lots of career opportunities in accounting. There are many fields of accounting and it is up to you to choose which one you want to take on as a career.

After college, you will be able to qualify for a certified public accountant or as registered public accountant license. Even though you can still get a job as an accountant even if you don’t have any license, you have to remember that more opportunities will open up if you have one.

In this profession, you can become an auditor, a management consultant, a financial officer, an analyst, and even as a tax accountant.

Being independent or being a freelancer in this field can also be a promising career. However, you do need a good network of contacts in order for you to earn more money and get more experience.

You can also try other specializations in accounting, such as forensic auditing where you will be responsible for investigating crimes related to company's finances as well as tax fraud.

Another great career choice for accountants is by simply becoming a teacher of accounting. This is a very rewarding career choice.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of career opportunities for accounting or accountancy. All you need to do is follow the mentioned tips and you can be sure that you will be well on your way in to becoming a successful accountant in the field you choose.

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