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There are a lot of different careers in the accountancy field. It ranges from bookkeeping, auditing, until you reach the position of financial officer. As the position title goes higher, you can expect higher salaries. However, in order to achieve these positions and professional designations, you need to get an accountancy degree.

One of the very important milestones in the life of an accountancy graduate is becoming a CPA or Certified Public Accountant. How can you be a CPA? Firstly, you need to finish college, majoring in accountancy.  A CPA exam is conducted and you have to pass it. If you want to be part of CPA firms, you need to comply with certain employment experience and requirements which could take about 2 years. after completion of the requirements, you will given a certification as proof that you’re already a CPA. Now, you can offer accounting services to people.

Being a CPA is merely a stepping stone to an accountancy career. Controllers are the chief accountants of certain companies and offices. They are in charge of supervising the accounting system of the business. Controllers see to it that the business follows tax laws to maintain its legality and they are also responsible in preparing the business’ financial statements.

Aside from the tasks mentioned earlier, controllers also take charge in budgeting and financial planning. Businesses, big or small, need accountants. However, in the case of very small businesses, owners can do the accounting tasks. Bigger or larger businesses need accounting personnel to handle all the accounting works. As the business expands, it needs to hire additional employees.  It is also the task of the accountant to determine if the company can afford to hire additional employees without negatively affecting the growth of profits.

Accounting involves a lot of paper work. Professional accountants need to prepare tax returns which are very much complicated than income tax returns of individuals. The chief accountant of the company is also responsible for setting broad objectives for the company’s growth and development. Their aim is to gain more profits because this will be the proof for the success of the business.  

Being a CPA, a professional accountant, or a chief accountant are just few of the many careers in accountancy. There are still other careers out there that you can pursue for as long as you’re a graduate of accountancy. How can you find the many careers in accountancy?

That’s very simple. You can start by logging on to the internet. There are specialized websites that offers job opportunities in accountancy. You can search these sites and find a job opening that you can qualify for. Make sure that you send your complete resume to the employer or the employment agency. If you do qualify for the job, you will be notified or informed.

In choosing among the careers in accountancy, you have to know your strong points and weak points. That way, you can choose a career that best suits your capability. You must always remember to choose a career that you like. If you love your career, you will not ask for anything else; you will be contented.

Start now and look and look for a career in accountancy while you’re still young. New accountancy graduates are produced every year and so you mustn’t lose hope if you still don’t have a career right now. Exert some effort and time and soon you will have a rewarding career.

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