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If you operate or own a website, then you know that you have to promote both on and off the web.  You have to incorporate these two factors in order to be fully successful with an E-commerce business.  I have talked with a few large Internet retailers that gave me an insight into their marketing on the web.  When I was told, it all made sense and I had to implement it with my clients.

We all know that Ebay is the number one auction market place on the Internet today.  Millions of dollars are spent each week on this web portal and it continues to grow each day! I am not going to tell you to open up a store and start selling your whole product line to Ebay buyers because that would be costly with little to no profit.

 What I am going to tell you is to put a few top sellers in an auction, either fixed or auction type.  This is to gain a large amount of viewers since the product is "hot" and they will want to purchase it.  The key to this ploy is to put links on your auction site that direct viewers to your site that carries your whole product line.  When this happens correctly your traffic will Explode and with all targeted viewers.  You might not be making much money with the Ebay items that sell, but if you do it correctly the profit you make from these targeted viewers will far outweight the small profit margins.  Give it a try because their is nothing to lose and you will be happy with the results.

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