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It is heartbreaking to me that so many women with big dreams get knocked down by ruthless business opportunists who take advantage of a woman's passion and trusting nature by offering bogus business opportunities. Don't get me wrong, it happens  to men too; it just really frustrates me that women who want nothing more than to operate a home-based business can be taken advantage of so easily and that those pushing the business scams don't care about their ethics, about busting your budget, or  diminishing your

If you want to find a business opportunity that is legitimate, you must be cautious in reviewing opportunities and make sure that you find a business that's right for you. There is a general rule of thumb when trying to find a business possibility that will enable you to work-from-home while generating a significant income. That is, if an offer sounds too good to be true, most likely it is. Most times you will find a business offer that is presented in an inflated manner to be either a scam,  or an incredibly exaggerated representation of the opportunity the business venture actually affords you.

There are some legitimate business opportunity packages out there, but honestly, they are few and far between. In most cases, you are better off crafting your very own business opportunity rather than trying to find a business opportunity that is prepackaged, turnkey and ready to go. A turnkey business opportunity is one that provides you everything you need to get started in business in a start-up package for a flat start-up fee, or at least claims to. Some of them have ongoing membership fees as well.

Of course, there are some companies that offer true turn-key opportunities like distributorships or pyramid plans where you sell their products for them, usually through party plans, and recruit other representatives for a percentage of fees. You may find a business like this appealing because it is a package deal that is easy to start-up and generally has good support through the company and an up-line.

The legitimate businesses of this nature are well-known - Avon®, Home Interiors®, Herbalife®, Tupperware®, and Mary Kay®, for instance. You really can make money in these types of  businesses while maintaining control over your own work schedule if you  are willing to give it your all. However, some people just aren't outgoing enough to make a distributorship business work because they don't have the personality for direct sales and recruiting.

Sometimes, rather than trying to find a business that is turnkey, it is best just to craft your very own business idea, business concept and business plan, and to strike out on your own to transform your entrepreneurial dreams into reality. Here are some simple questions that will help to aim you in the right direction for developing your very own business ideas:

1. What are you passionate about?

If you are going to spend a large amount of your time operating your business, doesn't it make sense to find a business idea that incorporates something you enjoy? Brainstorming for  ideas based on your personal interests is a great start to launching,  owning and operating a satisfying business.

2. What are your talents or gifts?

If you can find a business idea that uses talents, gifts, knowledge or skill that you already have, it will be much easier for you to get your business started quickly, and to operate it efficiently.

3. What are you interested in that is new and exciting to you?

Everyone has unexplored interests. If there is something that you are interested in learning more about or activities you would like to engage in, these interests can be great to pursue as business ideas. Search your heart and you are sure to find a business idea that will be just perfect for you.

4. Of all the potential business ideas you have generated, which one is most likely to be the best business opportunity?

To answer this question, you need to do your market research. Evaluate the competition, find a marketing niche, and determine whether or not you can make money with the ideas that you have. By following these simple steps in generating your very own, unique business ideas, you will definitely find a business opportunity that will be both fulfilling and profitable.

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