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While this seems trivial and an easy job for the majority of marketing technology providers, it’s not that simple. From a marketing technologist perspective (and ours as well):

Marketing Automation allows them to create, automate, measure and refine marketing tasks and workflows in order to decrease costs and generate more revenue.

So, what’s Marketing Automation for Online Retailers about?

For marketing people, marketing automation can become their best friend, because it bring more returns, while also saves time and resources. Because there are many third party of such services, it can be used by an company, regardless their size, industry and resources.

  • Data analysis and development of marketing campaigns;
  • Management (Automation) and continous refinement of marketing campaigns;
  • Appropriate multichannel customer data storage and usage;
  • Moving visitors from leads to buyers and returning customers;
You can read more on ecommerce marketing automation.

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