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Styling text with CSS is really simple. We can define colors, underline it, make it bold, define the font etc etc.

We will start with some basics.

First we define the html where we will be working with.
<p> This is the text </p>

1. Colorize your text

We can select the P tag and add some styles to it.
p {

Now our text will turn red. You can define any color code your want or choose one of the 16 standard color names. The color names are: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white and yellow.

2. Define the size of your text
p {

You can define any font-size you want, 145 pixels is not a problem. That is, technically speaking.

3. Make the text bold or Italic
You can use the font-style property to create these effects.

p {

p {

4. Overline, Underline, strike-through and none

The text-decoration property is useful to create the underline and the other effects we need.
p {

On default, the text doesn’t have any lines at all. Except for the link. You can remove the underline by using the text-decoration:none; setting.

You see, it’s quite easy to style your text using CSS. And you can do it all in a separate stylesheet!

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