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Why hire a designer or a programmer?

You might ask this question yourself when there are 100’s of easy to build software on the internet. But building a website yourself and a professional designer makes a lot of difference. The designer put in years of expertise in building your website. He knows all the web standards as well as a professional look after it is done. Apart from that business owners don’t find time and patience in maintaining and promoting the site. Since the business person is occupied with this own business needs. What are the important aspects while choosing a website designer/programmer?

1) Check the credentials of the designer, is he reliable or will the designer will leave half way of your project. Check with the designer previous employer or clients. They could give you a good feedback on it.

2) Choose the designer carefully going through the previous work or portfolio. Don’t go ahead with the designer unless seen the designer portfolio. Viewing the portfolio you will get an idea what kind of quality and professionalism you can expect from him.

3) Next step after you are satisfied with the designer is asking for a proposal from him. Ask the designer is there any kind of terms and conditions before starting the project. If so make sure does that work for you too. Some designer may ask for a upfront for the project usually it is 25-40% of the entire cost of the project. Ask the designer what mode of payment he would prefer.

4) Once the terms and conditions are fixed then go ahead and ask for a prototype of the website.

5) Once the designer comes up with the prototype ask for revision unless you get satisfied and think this is what you where looking for.

6) Finalize the website and go ahead upload on to the server.

Follow these steps and increase your chances of successfully hiring a web designer/ web programmer who meets your needs and those of your project.

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