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Can money be made from web page hits?

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A lot of people are asking themselves if they can make money from their web pages hits in case they do have a webpage. The answer is not directly a yes. This is because web page hits are simply those number of times that other people are visiting your website. It shows your popularity or otherwise ion the cyberworld.

However, you can make money from this if only you know how. There are plenty of ways on how to do this and you can also make use of multiple ways as to how to gain money from multiple streams of opportunity available.

The first one that you can translate into money is the advertising stream potential of your website in case you do are getting a considerable number of hits. You can advertise by either using Google's Adsense wherein they put automatic ads for you and then you can gain a commission every time that someone actually buys a product through the ads in your website.

If you don't want to use Google, then you can use Commission Junction wherein you can personally choose the kind of ads that you will be putting up on your website. There is of course countless number of advertisers that lets you do the same thing. The only difference between them is probably the policies involved when dealing with the payment and other details.

You can also certainly try to sell products that you made yourself. Since your website is already having a considerable number of web page hits, it is more likely that a certain number of your visitors will be interested in what you have to sell.

It is presumed that you have already done the hard part of selling yourself to your audience. The companies whose product that you are advertising or selling directly is more than willing to pay you a handsome commission because the hard part of attracting the people's attention has already been done by you.

There are also other unconventional ways of getting money in return for your sites popularity. You can try selling your website to others who want to ride in the popularity that your website has.

It does not mean that you will be giving them complete control, rather you will simply be giving attention to their products as if they were your own or you can use your website as a place where they can have their links piggyback to you.

This will automatically place their websites in a higher page rank with Google which in turn translates to more money for both of you.

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