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Are you searching for a way to make money from home?  Well, if you are at all computer-literate, you should consider an internet-based business.

One of the big advantages of making money with an internet business is that the startup costs required are very small.  And it is also something you can start in your spare time, in the evenings or on weekends, while still keeping your day job.

Some of the internet-based businesses you can start may not be as involved as you think.

For example:

1)  Sell things on Ebay.  A lot of people get started selling things on Ebay that they have around the house and are trying to get rid of.  Only after they see how easy this is, they start looking for other things to sell.  Soon, they are buying things cheaply and selling them for a profit on Ebay.

2)  Create a website and tell about your hobby or interest.  How can this make you money?  The answer is advertising.  Google will pay you money through their Adsense program for running their ads on your website.  Every time someone clicks on one of the ads, you make money.  And starting a website is easier than ever today, because you can use free blogging software and start blogging with little technical knowledge.

3)  Get into affiliate marketing.  You point people to the website of a company who is selling a product.  Through their affiliate program, the company will pay you a portion of the profits for every product that is sold because of you linking to their website.

These are just a few of the ideas you can use to make money from home on the internet.  Just start out with one of these ideas in your spare time, and see where it takes you.  Of course, every business takes work and dedication, even an internet business.  But the rewards can be tremendous, especially when you look back and see how you have been transformed from a total newbie to an accomplished internet marketer.

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