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Is it possible to take a normal offline service business like a legal practice, private medical practitioner or even a real estate business and make money with it from the Internet?

As someone who’s been doing this since 1996, I say the answer is a resounding “YES”.

If you are a business owner, or even an affiliate marketer, you know how hard it is to make a living online.

Many so-called Internet Marketing gurus will tell you that the only way to make money online is to create your own information products, hype them up with a completely fictitious sales letter and then sell via Clickbank, allowing an army of keen and eager affiliates to do your marketing for you.

Whilst that can and does work, there are other paths that are equally successful.

I know from experience, having made my living online by using my own web sites to promote other people’s businesses.

The business I chose were all service oriented. The reason for this is that a service business typically has a low overhead in order to provide the service.

I found that they were more willing to provide me with a larger share of the fees I was able to generate.

The key is to use sales language and “speak” to the businesses clients in language that they understand and respond to.

For example, there’s no point using a 5 page sales letter when you’re trying to sell the services of a conservative legal practice – it just won’t work.

The other key thing is to build the web site in a way that it looks to be providing objective advice.

People like objectivity when they are buying.

The sites I tend to concentrate on are business to business sites. I just don’t like selling to individuals, as they have less money to spend and are infinitely more fussy than a corporate buyer who typically just wants the facts.

My approach works and through various web sites, I have attracted the business of quite a few household name clients for my clients.

The great thing about the way I do business, is that I don’t necessarily have a client when I build my web sites.

Instead, I build a web site based on a certain topic and then quite literally build a business around it.

The sales copy doesn’t have to be blistering hot, it just has to be convincing and contain a strong call to action for the reader on the particular web page.

Make that call to action strong enough and the customers will come knocking on the door and there will be no need for cold-calling. The web site does the selling for you.

Of course, it’s not just down to the sales copy. There are a number of tools that can be used very effectively in order to make selling services online extremely easy.

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