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Use these powerful yet simple tips from the national best-seller, "Secrets of Power Marketing: Promote Brand You" - the first guide to personal marketing for non-marketers. 

  1.   Create and grant an annual award.
  2.   Send hand written congratulations and thank you notes.
  3.   Send greeting cards for some occasion other than Christmas.
  4.   Send postcards when you travel and even when you are at home.
  5.   Give a good book to special clients. Always sign it with a positive message.
  6.   Build relationships with the media before you need them.
  7.   Associate with winners - attend awards functions.
  8.   Build and maintain a database of clients, prospects, and key influencers.
  9.   Earn certifications and win awards from your associations - and tell everyone.
  10.   Ask happy customers to write testimonial letters for you.
  11.   Recruit your suppliers as marketing agents. They work for free.
  12.   Join and be active in your chamber of commerce.
  13.   Write tips sheets for your customers.
  14.   Write and send articles to magazines and newspapers.
  15.   Send a news release to the media every three months.
  16.   Do something crazy and newsworthy at least once a year.
  17.   Send photocopies of your news coverage to your clients.
  18.   Build and maintain an informative and interesting web site.
  19.   Sponsor a cause, event, charity or community group.
  20.   Volunteer for your association, charity or community group.

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