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Since the advent of the Internet, computers have changed the way people work, play and communicate.

Today's children are learning by computer games. Today's businesses are building stronger relationships and experiencing significant change in organization and filing, research and operation - and even advertising and marketing - through their desktops.

There are more than 200 million Internet users, according to Nielsen//NetRatings. To keep up with the rapidly expanding Internet marketplace, many businesses are turning to companies like Centale Inc. (OTC BB: CNTL), based in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., which helps communicate, market, brand and advertise on the Internet.

The company's "next generation tools," like Catalyst EV, Music On Demand for Windows Media Player, custom Web browsers, instant messengers, media players and toolbars are used in all types of organizations where the goal is to build a community; communicate with subscribers or customers; develop new revenue channels; and increase brand exposure, traffic and customer loyalty.

With Catalyst EV, businesses are building effective marketing campaigns through a programmable desktop application that can be distributed as an e-mail attachment or downloadable via the customer Web site. This cutting-edge technology has Centale customers communicating with their audience, one-to-one direct to the desktop in audio, video, rich media, animation or text format.

Centale's universal instant messenger connects simultaneously to AOL, MSN, ICQ, Yahoo, Jabber, IRC, Napster and other networks. Music on Demand is a desktop application that allows users to find virtually any song or video in the world and play it instantly without downloading any files. Centale plans to unveil an iTunes-compatible version of Music on Demand to attract digital-music listeners.

Music On Demand for Windows Media Player includes a publishing tool that allows webmasters to create and list their songs in the search directory.

Centale's custom-made branded browsers offer Internet security that blocks pop-ups and sexually explicit material. The browsers include an efficient search engine, an easy-to-use interface for people who are visually and audibly impaired and multilingual menus and translators.

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