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A brand is recognition of a company and its products. It can be in the form of logo, symbol, color or just a name. This recognition helps differentiate a company among its competitors.

Creation of a brand is not just creating a logo or byline statement or a symbol. It is the creation of an experience that will make the customer want more and more of your. An experience, which can create strong positive emotions, something that can lead the customer to trust and become loyal to it. First thing that qualifies a company or product to be a brand is the ability to create emotions. A brand has to be associated with or should trigger emotions.

Logos, colors, symbols, statements, advertisements and promotions are the main tools for the communication of a brand. There is yet another step in your branding process-that of creating an image upheld by your employees.

Internal Branding or promoting the brand internally among employees so that they are aware of the capabilities of the company and are proud to be working for it is one of the most important branding tasks. With the help of internal branding, a new source of powering the brand comes to force. All employees are people who connect with the outside environment after office hours. All positive vibes sent out by employees to their friends, neighbors, relatives, etc creates a compounding effect on the image of the company.
The pride the employee shows to be working for an organization itself speaks volume about the company. The manner in which employee behaves itself portrays or communicates something about the image of the company.

Make sure all of your employees are aware of the image you want to create.  The best way to do this is to go over it during the hiring process.  In the end, it will save much stress and perhaps customers.

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