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It's possible to start a home business online with very little
outlay and you can easily earn from $100 to thousands per day.

1. You want to escape the rat race. You'd rather spend the 2 hours
you waste every day with your family, or on a hobby. Running your
own business online you can stop the commute, and you can feel good
because you are helping to cut pollution too.

2 You can work part time building your new home business online until
you see it taking off. You aren't giving up your bill paying regular
job to jump in without any income.

3 It's possible to start a home business online with very little
outlay. Webhosting is cheaper than a bricks and mortar shopfront.
You already have the pc to access the net, it can start working
for it's keep.

4 You can choose your own hours. If you have an appointment to keep
in the morning, start your online work in the afternoon. No one can
tell you "you can't have that week off in August, Bill got in first"

5 If you work harder you can benefit directly, you put more hours in
and your online business makes more profit, your wages go up. Your
salary isn't fixed by someone elses view of what you're worth.

6 A lot of online business tasks can be automated, using readily
available tools. Emails can be automatically sent by
autoresponders, even regularly asked questions can be sorted and
answered by software.

7 A website works 24 hours a day without complaining. Even if you're
on holiday your online business website can be working online for
you bringing in money.

8 Your online business can be as far reaching as you want, it can
offer something for your local community. It can equally sell to
people around the world, without penalty. It doesn't cost any extra
to send an email to Australia, or for your website to be used to
make a purchase by someone in Europe.

9 Starting a home business online means you have a continuously
growing market as more and more people come online everyday.

10 It's dress down day everyday. You can work in your pyjamas if you
want, nobody's going to stop you in your own home. No more suits and
ties unless you want to wear them, but that's your choice.

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