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If making money really is simple, then why aren’t more people making more money? The national debt is skyrocketing, more people are filing bankruptcy, yet there is an abundance of money one can make. After all, this is America.

So what holds people back? Why can’t we get a handle on the “how to” part of making some real money? Sure, there are many people making very nice incomes whether from a regular job or from a home based business on the internet, but the everyday person looking to make more, just can’t seem to get it together.

With all the gurus on the web telling us how we can make more, one thing is for certain, it will not happen over night. You have to work at it and there lies the problem. Most people are unwilling to act on something that they know in the back of their mind works, because of fear.

Fear is such a crippling word. It’s like a ball and chain shackled to one’s leg that they have gotten use to dragging around with them.  So what’s the problem? Get out the hacksaw and cut the thing off.

You have to make up your mind that you can make more money. And it’s not the money that you really want; it’s what you can do with it that is the real attraction. Money is just a tool to do a job with, so start right now, get rid of your ball and chain and grab your money tool. Build your lifestyle today.

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