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The truth is that 99% of all affiliates make less than $100 a month, while the other 1% earn staggering incomes from affiliate marketing.

The difference lies in the way these two groups perceive affiliate marketing as a business model. Those who make good money view it as a real business, while others see it as a "get-rich-quick" scheme and consequently, never make any money.

Much of your success will depend on your attitude and your ability to stay focused and not give in to fears of failure. Failure can not be an option. You have to visualize and expect success. Otherwise, it may never materialize.

If you can answer "Yes" to the following questions, then you have what it takes to be a successful affiliate marketer:

* Do you have the patience and persistence required to build an affiliate business?

* Can you accept the fact that you will make mistakes and may even lose money at first?

* Do you understand that it takes time to build a real business and you will not get rich overnight?

* Are you willing to invest time into your continuing education?

* Are you willing to invest time and money into advertising and tools to build your affiliate business?

You can make an absolute killing in affiliate marketing, but it will take some work. And if you're just starting out, you have a lot to learn. But as your knowledge and skills increase, so will your income. You will almost certainly make mistakes along the way, but you can't give up. Just learn from your mistakes and move on. Right now, you have two choices:

1. You can take the plunge and start building a real business online... Or

2. You can keep looking for that "magic bullet" that will make you rich overnight without you lifting a finger. Unless you win the lottery, there is no legal business model that will make rich overnight. If you find one, let me know...

Think about this: if you had started three months ago, what would your monthly income be right now? What will it be three months from now?

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