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When people do not buy from you, it is because they do not want what you are offering. They may need what you are offering and not know or acknowledge that need, but the bottom line is they do not want it.

Save lots of time, effort and money by targeting your postcard mailings to groups of people who have demonstrated they want your product or service or one's similar to yours and then mail to them. Follow at least this one piece of advice and become more profitable immediately.

Target your marketing. Promote your business exclusively to people likely to have a strong desire for the benefits provided by your product or service.

Businesses and consumers do not usually avoid purchases because they do not have or cannot get the money necessary to purchase. They usually do not buy because they decide buying something else is more important to them.

You can get them to buy from you by making it clear to them that buying your product or service will get rid of something they do not want or will get them something they do want or will get them more of something they already have that they like having.

It is your job to get your people and businesses to see that your products and services give or get them what they really want. Consumers and businesses rarely avoid buying something because they do not have the money needed to make the purchase. They avoid buying what you offer because they place a higher priority on spending money for something else.

What is the most nagging problem you can solve for prospects in your targeted market? Make it real to them how they'll feel when your product or service eliminates that problem. Use postcards to communicate how they can get their problem solved.

They do not want to buy and then find out that your product or service would not solve their problem. They do not want to be or even feel ripped off or still at a loss over the solution to their problem.
You must take away their risk in doing business with you.

You must provide a way that they can "trust" you.

If you do not they would not buy and you will lose business.

When you do all these things, guess what? People will buy from you like crazy. You will see them pounding at your doors.

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