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How to advertise the smart way?

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If you have your own web site and want to get the word out on your products or services, there are a few things to do in order to advertise the smart way.  No matter what size business or product that you are selling, you can draw lots of traffic to your site by advertising correctly.
Many web developers throw money around without doing the proper research and analysis on who their customers really are. Before you throw money around make sure that you have put plenty of thought and analysis into which ways are the best way to advertise your product.  Here are a few tips.

Make sure you know who your customers are. A lot of web developers place their advertisements on the wrong types of web sites, which bring them little if any traffic.  If you decide to use techniques such as email and popup advertisements, be forewarned that these types of advertising are considered nuisances to many customers.  Many advertisers make the common mistake of advertising in one big shot instead of growing a market and following trends.  So the next time you commit to an advertising campaign, make sure that you are advertising the smart way.

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