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Some business owners struggle with the idea of starting a business website. Why do you really need a website? Well, there are several solid reasons why every business, small or large, should have a website. It does not matter if you sell tangible products, or you offer a service, your business will benefit from having a website. Here are a few reasons why:

1) Convenience for customers- Finding a good business to provide the service or product you need has never been easier for the customer. Today, it is as simple as looking up local businesses online. In fact, studies show that about 75% of all new customers begin their search online. If you do not have a website, then you are missing out on a big piece of the marketing pie.

2)Provides Global Exposure- Since the Internet is available to everyone worldwide, you will no longer be limited to local business. Anyone can search for your product or service. Now, face to face meetings are not required in order to gain business, and you do not have to rely on customers driving by your business, or hearing a radio commercial.

3) Post More Information- You can post so much more information about your business then you ever could in print ads, brochures, or on air commercials. You literally have unlimited space to work with.

4) Always Available- Potential customers will be able to inquire about your business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, no matter if your business is open, or not. If a potential customer is interested in your service, they will be able to send you an email, and then you can get back to them during the business day.

5) Saves Time- You will save time by only getting inquires from customers that are genuinely interested in your business. You will no longer have to answer customer phone calls and meet with customers, only to find out that they are no interested in what you provide. Instead, they are able to read about your business online, and then decide whether or not they are interested in doing business with you.

6) Saves Money- Print ads, and commercials can become very expensive, and often cost each time they are ran. A website usually cost a one time setup fee, and then a minimal hosting fee per month. In fact, the majority of small businesses only pay about 3-10 dollars a month for their website after the initial cost.

For most business owners, they will simply not understand why you need a website until you actually have one and see the benefits you get from it.

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