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Do You Have An Idea For A Niche?

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to quit that 9 to 5 and work from home? Try, it may be easier than you think!

Everybody has something that they are good at or know a lot about, this is called your niche.

“Niche - a position particularly well suited to the person who occupies it”.
(Source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niche)

So what could be your niche?

Maybe you are a good organizer. Working parents are finding it increasingly difficult to spend time at home; let alone organize a party for their child.  Become a children's party planner. Do some research in your area, the local children's indoor play areas, parks, leisure centers, anywhere that you can think of that would hold a party.  Offer your services, perhaps leave flyers at schools, nurseries or even playgroups.

Develop a Niche Product.  In 1980, Mandy Haberman's daughter was born with a condition that made feeding difficult. So, she set about designing a feeder for children with sucking problems (The Haberman Feeder)™. She then went on to invent the Anyway Up Cup™ for toddlers. Read more about her amazing journey at her website. www.mandyhaberman.com

This is a classic example of sticking to what you know. This lady had a problem, which she understood fully. After researching the market for a product she found there wasn't one.  So, after having to use some improvisation to feed her daughter, she went ahead and invented a product herself.

The same is true of Internet Marketing, find a niche and stick to it. Develop products and ideas based on your knowledge.  It gives your work greater credibility because you can write with true authority on the subject.

Are you good at writing, reading or giving out advice. You could become a Writer, Editor or even a Consultant.  Some people have a goal for the number of articles that they want to send out and may not have the time or ability to check them for typing mistakes, spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. This is where you come in, you can write, edit or give advice on articles, writing books or even weblogs.  They could even send you their handwritten version and you could copy type it and send the finished version back to them.  Check out www.elance.com <http://www.elance.com> to see what services people are asking for to see if you can match them.

Become a Reseller. Buy in bulk and sell on auction sites such as ebay, qxl, Amazon. A search on Google.com will find a whole list of them. Just make sure that you have the storage space if you're shipping physical products.

Once you have decided on your niche you will need to do some:-

Research. Do a search on Google.com to see “what the competition is”.

Plan your time effectively. Don't spend too long deciding on what you want to do because somebody else will pip you to the post.

Pick a Budget and stick to it. Decide on how much do you want to spend in advertising or development of the product. You don't want to be out of pocket before your business gets off the ground!

To your success

Dawn Robertshaw



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